In this blog, I will share yet another belief that I wanted to paint through water color techniques. This was on the power of enthusiasm. I firmly believe that if we are enthusiastic about something, reaching goals become so much easier and fun. Enthusiasm makes us learn and grab things faster. The power of enthusiasm makes all the hurdles seem small. Enthusiasm gives us an inner energy to carry on with our tasks even if it’s midnight.

Let the experiment start with the power of enthusiasm:

I conveyed all these beliefs by painting enthusiasm in multicolored lines. The black boundary and the fire signify the hurdles and difficulty that we face. It took me a lot of time to handle so many colors. I had to gradually increase the tones of each color.

I particularly chose these multicolored lines to signify enthusiasm as I relate a rainbow with enthusiasm. Whenever a rainbow forms in the sky, we feel excited and energetic about life!

enthublg - The power of Enthusiasm

As can be seen in the painting, the lines of enthusiasm pass through the test of fire and tough times and still manage to reach the end. Even now when I see this painting, it reminds me of how important it is to keep your enthusiasm alive. The power of enthusiasm can make the impossible appear to be possible.


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