After painting various human emotions with water color, I decided to paint some thoughts or beliefs. It’s a difficult thing to actually convey a thought or belief through colors and abstract forms. The best way forward is to actually feel that thought while painting and enjoy! Yes, you ought to actually enjoy what you are painting. I think enjoying with lightness, darkness, colors and shapes makes the painting come out most beautifully. 

So, let me share one of my belief and its associated painting done on paper with water colors. I believe that the flowing river is more powerful then high mountains. Flowing river here can be identified with gratitude, humbleness, forgiving attitude. On the other hand, high mountains can be identified with arrogance, supercilious demeanor and what not!

Playing with darkness, light and shape:

As can be seen in the painting, I divided my paper into three portions. I used blue, orange and yellow to convey my belief. Orange tubes and rectangles bend lower with each portion. Here, bending lower signifies more of humbleness. Also, there is more of brightness (yellow) in their blue universe. The yellow brightness could signify the hope, peace, joy that comes with humility.

Also observe that the yellow portion is increased as we reach third portion of the painting. Simultaneously, darkness is decreased from left to right in the background of the painting.

fordarknessblg - When the darkness ends...


1 Comment

The power of Enthusiasm - Uzma Khan Art · September 5, 2018 at 10:00 am

[…] conveyed all these beliefs by painting enthusiasm in multicolored lines. The black boundary and the fire signify the hurdles and […]

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