If you are looking for a book on creativity, I urge you to read “Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert. It’s one of those book that you would like to keep and go back to again and again.

Why this book on creativity is for you:

I have liked how Elizabeth Gilbert shows all the creative people out there on how to approach creativity. She shares story of her own creative life and some of them almost seem like some kind of creative magic.

She went on to give some tips on living a creative life. I particularly liked the way she explained that an artist should not feel like a martyr but rather as a trickster ( not in a bad way).

What she meant was that an artist should always have many tricks up his sleeve in order to survive and thrive rather than leading a typical struggling life of an artist.

Her take on whether to quit the day job or not is quite interesting too. Although I personally left my job and dived into art completely, I do understand and respect her viewpoint as well.

Elizabeth Gilbert also talks about the creativity block that we face sometimes and how to tackle it and keep going. This book on creativity would make you want to create more each day.

There are so many other tips and insights on creativity written in “Big Magic” that it is a page turner. As far as I can remember, I have never finished reading a book so fast as I did with this one. It was just so good that I read it non stop at a stretch.

Go ahead and buy this must have book on creativity . You are going to cherish this book for sure.

P.S. You can buy “Big magic” from the link below. Enjoy your read!

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1 Comment

The connection of self discipline and creativity - Uzma Khan Art · March 25, 2020 at 7:19 pm

[…] Gilbert has explained these aspects of creativity very beautifully in her book “Big Magic” and I urge everyone to read it. According to me, everyone has something to take away from this book […]

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