You might be living a full time painter life or having a side job alongside painting or just want to pursue painting as a hobby. If painting is a part of your life, you might relate with something of the list below:

  • Whenever you find something worth painting, you wish liked having all your paint materials/sketchbook with you. If you are intensely fascinated by something, you just take an instant picture from a mobile to paint later.

Tip: Artists prefer carrying a small sketchbook everywhere so that they don’t miss out any opportunity/idea. If you are travelling through a fast moving vehicle and a scene is visible for a very short time, then clicking a picture is the best option. However, don’t forget to come back to that picture and convert it into your own creative venture.

  • You might find a subject for painting in the most bizarre situations. Such situations might be unexpected by others. If you find a drop of water or a barren land or the wrinkles on clothes interesting subjects for painting, there is nothing wrong. Let’s just say you have artist’s eyes. You might end up making your best piece from the most ordinary/bizarre subjects.

Tip: See if you can make an abstract painting from a totally unexpected subject by changing its color, shape, form, background etc. and by using the wand stick of your creativity.

  • Another attribute of a painter life is that you tend to postpone painting even if you want to do it now. Let’s face it; every field requires discipline even if you are passionate about that field. Good thing is that if you are really interested in painting, it’s the first step that’s difficult i.e. breaking your inertia and just starting to paint. Once you start with the activity, rest will follow on its own. In fact, it might be difficult to put a brake on that painting session once you have pushed the accelerator.

Tip: Try to schedule a time daily that reminds you to paint. Even if it’s just for an hour, make sure you are catering to your creativity.

  • You love a color combination so much that you want to make painting of that combination. This happens with me all the time. Whether I see a stunning color combination in attire, on foliage or in the sky or anywhere else; I just want to grab on to my colors and create something of my own using that same color combination.

Tip: Maybe you can’t paint using a fascinating color combination instantly, make a mental note or a writing note of that color combination. Come back to it and bring out a painting of that color combination. The inspiration within you is eager to go on that painting journey with you.

Living a painter life continues:

There are so many other attributes that are unique to all the artists. I hope to cover more of such attributes in future too.

What about you?

Can you relate with any of these points given above. If yes, which one? Maybe you are eager to share some of your insights on this topic too. Please share any other typical trait of an artist in the comments section.


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