Each painting that I make has its own story and many sub stories. Today I will share how modifying painting from its initial plan could also be the best route sometimes. It’s important to be flexible while making a painting.
While making my painting “In The Lap Of Nature”, the original plan was to make two abstract trees as per the layout shown below:

Realisation for modifying painting:
As the painting progressed, I realised that something was missing. Adding a person sitting under the tree reading a book was the much required addition to the painting. Modifying painting from the original plan could be tricky at times, but this time I was quite sure of this change.
Taking action for modifying painting:
When I added a female engrossed in reading to this painting, the painting got elevated to another level. “In the Lap Of Nature” is a perfect example when modifying painting from its planned outcome is for its betterment.

This little but significant change in the painting also helped me in deciding the title of the painting. The title came to my mind quite easily as “In The Lap Of Nature”.
What this painting stands for:
“In The Lap Of Nature” is an oil painting that celebrates the beautiful nature that surrounds us and protects us. This painting also stands for humans being a part of nature. The painting is meant to inspire to spend more time with nature.