The universe conspires to help you achieve if you truly wish for something to happen. I have felt this very strongly a lot of times. Today I will share how I felt this in one of the painting project.

Universe conspires to help you achieve if you are wishing something truly and deeply:

Wishing for something truly and deeply can actually make universe align itself to fulfill that wish. As my fondness for butterflies kept increasing and “The Butterfly Garden” got lots of encouragement from viewers, I decided a step further. I decided to make a series of butterfly paintings in my signature block style.

I was quite committed to this idea. Additionally, I thought that the series on butterflies was the best way to celebrate my admiration for these little creatures.

It was my truest and deepest wish to start working on a series of butterfly paintings. However, it was required to do some research on the different butterflies to give full justice to this project. Hardly did I know that there was help coming from the universe.

Universe calling:

One incident of my life reconfirmed that universe conspires to help you achieve if you are really committed to it. So, I was in Bangalore in India to attend a function. We decided to go for a family picnic to a zoological park over there. Hardly did I know that I was in for a surprise.

After looking at lots of marvelous animals, we got to know that this zoological park has a butterfly park within its premises as well. As a result, we all got very excited and I felt curious about the experience and understood that some help was coming from the universe.

A glimpse of “The Butterfly Park” in Bangalore

What we witnessed next was something beyond our expectations. It all seemed like a fantasy world full of flowers and butterflies and what not. Not only was I able to know a lot about different varieties of butterflies, I actually witnessed them flying in front of my eyes. Additionally, I used my cell phone to capture some images and the necessary theory displayed on the description notice boards.

Universe conspires to help you achieve your goals…in my case it was art goals:

Whenever an opportunity knocks at your door, it’s important to choose whether you want to take action on it or not. For instance, I took the necessary action when I got a chance to research on the painting series.

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Visit to this butterfly park was quite overwhelming and helpful in the necessary research for my upcoming series called “The Butterfly Series”. It was almost like I got a nod from the universe to go ahead with the project!


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