We all know the basic necessities for painting right? We need the colors, canvas, liquin (or linseed oil), brushes. These are the most essential and then come the other necessities like a colour palette, an easel and perhaps a chair. But what about the other items which are often not given enough credit?

Today let’s give the supporting materials there due credit. Maybe you have your own style and use some other supporting materials. However, the point here is to not underestimate how useful it is to keep these supporting materials while painting. So, let’s dive in:

1. Rags/Tissues:

You can’t stress enough the importance of keeping old rags/tissue papers while painting. They just come at the right time to save you from major disasters. Here are some of their brave stories:

i) Rags are the supporting materials that come in handy when you have accidentally put colour on some wrong area of the canvas. All you need to do is rub that area with a rag gently and just a bit of touch up can save your painting.

ii) When you need a particular kind of brush ( and you have only one brush of that kind) and it’s dipped in a different colour. Rags come to rescue to take off that extra bulk of colour. You can just run your brush through a thinner, liquin etc and wipe again with a clean rag. Voila, your brush is ready to take up another colour in the same sitting.

iii) You sir for painting and you realise that your previous layer of colour is covered with dust. Don’t panic, the ever versatile dry, clean rug is all you need to gently dust off the canvas without disturbing the colours.

iv) You try your best to not get your attire dirty in colors but even if they do, first step to cleaning is take a rag and swipe off the excess colour.

iv) You finished off your painting and need some time before diving into washing your brushes. Take some rags and take off excess colors from the brushes before you sit to relax.

v) Once you have washed your brushes thoroughly with soapy water, dry them by taking off the extra moisture in a rug. Next, cover the brushes in a clean dry rag and let them air dry.

Tip: Don’t just keep one rag with you. Keep used rags for rough work and clean dry rags for delicate works. I recommend having 3-4 rags while painting.

2. Apron

It’s useful to have a separate apron just for painting. Keep it where you keep rest of your painting stuff. There are days when you don’t want to mess up your clothes while painting. Don’t let this be a reason for not painting that day. All you need is an apron and some alertness while painting and your dress won’t get a drop of colour!

Tip: If your apron has some pockets, you can use it to keep some handy items like rags/ brushes etc.

3. Cling Film

If you want your colour palette to stay clean, then cling film is your answer. You can save yourself hours of scratching away the colour from your palette is you use a cling film as a base on your palette.

Tip: Don’t run to the kitchen for cling film every time you sit to paint. Instead, keep one cling film dedicated to painting in your painting area. This way you will never forget to use it and save yourself some time and energy.

4. Newspapers:

Newspapers are your saviour if you are doubtful of ruining your bed sheet/ furniture where you want to keep your extra stuff while painting. Just spread the newspaper and then be free to paint.

Tip: Just some handful of newspapers can be used to avoid a mess. You don’t need a bulk of them. Just keep some handy.

5. Other items:

There are so many other items that can make your painting session smoother. It’s more of a personal choice. For instance, an old utensil or glass to put the thinner for cleaning brushes right after the painting.

A brush holder, a box for keeping the colours you are using in your current painting, some spare rubber bands to keep the unused brushes tied together. I can go on but I think you got the idea.

Supporting materials while painting….some support is all you need:

While the most essential items like colors, canvas, brushes help you bring your creativity to action; let’s feel gratitude for the supporting items that silently help us indirectly!


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