Some people think that paints, brushes and canvas are the only tools one requires for making art. However, there are many other tools available to make art as well. Rollers are an example of such tools. Working with rollers in painting is exciting and a unique experience.

I have used rollers in two of my oil paintings, “Walking Ahead” and “Two Peacocks in the City”. For me, the best part about working with rollers in painting is that you never know where the painting can take you.

Walking Ahead withput frame - Working with rollers in painting
Walking Ahead – Abstract Oil Painting

TwoPeacocks inTheCity withoutFrame - Working with rollers in painting
Two Peacocks in the City – Abstract Oil Painting

I generally have a systematic approach while working towards a painting. I think of a layout, color schemes etc. before starting to paint on actual canvas. However, while working with rollers in painting, I had to let go of initial planning and dive right into canvas trusting my skills.

Although there was no initial planning in the roller paintings, one has to be alert to see if there is a direction where the painting is going. As the painting progresses, this direction becomes clearer.

While there are many approaches to painting with rollers, after I got the basic design on canvas, I filled in the colors using traditional brushes. The detailing and finishing was done using conventional brushes after initial use of rollers.

Why you should try working with rollers in painting?

It’s a good idea to experiment with lots of ways till you find your own style of working. Even if you have found your own style of painting, using a new tool like a roller could be a welcome change for a while. So, go ahead and try working with rollers in painting and explore where the painting takes you.


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