If you are wondering how to make a painting more interesting, I have a trick for you. A little bit of exaggeration in a painting is like adding spices while cooking in a dish. If everything is too symmetric, balanced and mundane; what’s missing sometimes is the required drama. Exaggeration to add drama is one classic way of making your painting more interesting.
It can get tricky to decide how much to exaggerate and what to exaggerate. You want to add drama without disturbing the rhythm of the painting. Trusting your intuition and taking time to visualize could be of best help in this case. Also, taking a step back and viewing how the exaggeration of a certain element of a painting is working.
Example of how to make a painting more interesting using exaggeration:
When I was asking myself how to make my painting more interesting while making “Celebrations”, I got an idea. In this painting; I deliberately exaggerated the earrings of two abstract ladies in the foreground. The painting was dedicated to festivities especially Indian celebrations and it’s common to see Indian ladies in huge earrings. I took the liberty to make the earrings even longer than the abstract faces of the ladies.

Exaggeration to add drama could also be your answer when you are stuck in your painting. Perhaps, you can enhance something, make something out of proportion and get the required effect in your painting.
As you can see in the painting “Celebrations”, I also deliberately matched one of the earrings with the chandelier’s design. There could be numerous tricks to exaggerate and add drama in a painting.

Your turn:
Go ahead and try some exaggeration in your next painting. Too much spice can spoil a dish but just the right amount can enhance its taste. In the same way, just the right amount of exaggeration can turn your painting from good to awesome!
P.S. To know more abut my painting “Celebrations”, click here. If you are in tune with this exaggeration, you can buy my painting “Celebrations” from the gallery!