Once upon a time, Impatience and Quality were having a conversation on whether a painting is finished or not:

Impatience: Let’s just finish the painting and show it to everyone.

Quality: Let’s wait till we achieve the painting we want to achieve.

Impatience: If we call this painting finished; we can start with a new painting.

Quality: We will end up with yet another unfinished painting.

Impatience: I don’t see how we can improve it further.

Quality: I think this painting has the ability to go from “nice” to “incredible”.

Impatience: Think of all the viewers who will see it if we share this art work just now.

Quality: Think of how this painting will stay in their hearts forever if we work on it a bit longer.

Impatience: Who will notice all the tiny details if we ignore them.

Quality: The true art lovers will notice all the tiny details.

Impatience: Let’s just hang the painting and enjoy it.

Quality: Let’s wait before we reach the state of hanging the art work guilt free.

Impatience: Think of all the time and work required to finish it even more.

Quality: Think of the inner satisfaction of fulfilling the vision. It will be worth the time and effort.

Impatience: What if the painting never gets finished.

Quality: What if the painting gets finished in just one more brush stroke.

Impatience: Think of the feeling of finishing.

Quality: Think of the process of painting, the feeling of moving brushes on the canvas, the love for painting; the reason for starting to paint in the first place.

Impatience: What if the fear of ruining the painting comes true?

Quality: What if the dream of creating the most amazing painting comes true?


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