Artists are like wanderers; their mind is always wandering to find an inspiration. Something as mundane as a piece of an apple can excite them with an idea and something as marvelous as picturesque scenery could leave them with no clue. They are insane in their own way but that’s what makes them artists. The adrenaline rush starts when one actually gets an idea out of something and can’t wait to start with the creation. Let me share the story of my obsession with purple and pink combination.

For me, a memorable experience happened when I was in my hometown Aligarh. I was on my way to a market and suddenly I saw a bunch of flowers in the purple and pink combination. This combination made my mind go crazy. I was totally obsessed with this colour scheme.

All I thought was how nice it would be if I could use the same colour scheme of purple and pink combination in one of my paintings. After all, it was a colour scheme of nature and who else could give you better clues for painting then nature itself.

So, it was time to give justice to the obsession, pick up my paint brushes and create something beautiful. It was time to totally immerse the creative bone in the oceans of purple and pink.

To my surprise, I came up with not one but four ideas. It was after making these four drafts that I felt at ease. Though these drafts are not yet transformed into full fledged paintings, it gives me immense pleasure whenever I look at them.

Four painting ideas that I got after an obsession with purple and pink combination:
Purple and pinkcombination water color painting 1 - Obsession with a color scheme...purple and pink combination
Purple and pinkcombination water color painting 2 - Obsession with a color scheme...purple and pink combination
Purple and pinkcombination water color painting 3 - Obsession with a color scheme...purple and pink combination
Purple and pinkcombination water color painting 4 - Obsession with a color scheme...purple and pink combination
What about you?

Do you love any color combination in particular? Why not make a creative project out of it? You never know where creativity can take you!


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