I strongly believe that an artist is always looking for inspiration consciously or subconsciously. I have mentioned in one of my previous blog that I got an idea for a painting just when I was almost half asleep. It was a wonderful moment. Examining where to find inspiration for art, I would like to mention one more interesting incident that led me to make a layout.

How I stumbled upon one of the unknown places that answered – where to find inspiration for art:

So I was watching an interesting light hearted movie one day. When I am just in a light relaxed mood, I prefer watching Rom-Coms than other genres of movies. Coming back to my story, there was one scene in which the lead actress was pondering over something. She closed her eyes for a second in that state and at that moment I had an inspiration to capture that moment.

As I was watching the movie in my laptop, I paused the movie at that instant and made a rough layout on my sketchbook. The idea was to capture the feel of a lady lost in her thoughts rather than the exact face. Also, in those days I had my new found love for using blocks in art; so I made this whole layout in blocks.

Where to find inspiration for art   example - Where to find inspiration for art?
A water color layout whose source of inspiration was a moment from a movie

I painted this layout in watercolors and was happy with it. It’s still a rough layout and I did not make a full fledged oil painting of this idea. Sometimes, a painting idea is best left at its layout stage. Anyway, I still feel happy whenever I see this layout and remember the story behind its origination.

Life can surprise in many ways and can take us to unknown places that can inspire for art. So rather than asking where to find inspiration for art; become an observant. Keep looking (or not looking but be ready all the time) and you never know, an inspiration might be present just around the corner!

1 Comment

Tips for buying a painting: - Uzma Khan Art · April 21, 2020 at 7:06 pm

[…] with an art piece, choose your painting accordingly. For example, if you want your painting to inspire you for something, choose something made with that intention. If you want the painting to remind […]

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